Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cats on Tuesday - Catching UP with Kovu

It's been a while since I have been able to get to the computer and blog!

So many changes since I was here last.

I am doing great. My family loves me so much I am one very lucky cat.

Tara my favorite human is really growing up, and sometimes she leaves me alone to go visit friends or one particular friend comes here for FIVE OR SIX days at a time. I do not like sharing Tara with another boy!

Last year Princess my canine sister went away one day and never came back. I know everyone was really sad. Not too long after that they brought home another CAT. He was a kitten and had so much energy! His name is Jack, and over time I have learned to like him. It is nice have company and someone to play with when I feel like it!

Me - chilling in my (Jack's) bed


Sleeping on Martha's bed

Sleeping again!

Soaking up some rays.

Jack's eyes

Tara is growing up!

Spring time and bird watching!

Stop by and check out Cats on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

That's really nice that you both go so very well together now !

"People who hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life." - Faith Resnick